- Wednesday, January 1, is a Holy Day. Mass will be at St. Bernard at 9:30.
- Next Sunday, January 5, is the Feast of the Epiphany. There will be a Carol-Fest at 3:00 pm in St. Bernard church to end the Christmas season, followed by a potluck in the Shappelle Center. The parish will provide meat and drinks; everyone can bring a side dish or dessert. There is no need to sign up; just come to church by 3:00.
- Today is our last Mass in this building. We want to thank all our guests for coming to pray with us. Following Mass, everyone is invited to lunch in the Shappelle Center. If you are unfamiliar with St. Bernard, put 735 Derby in your GPS.
- This is a sad day, but it is also a day to be proud of all the people who have named themselves among the parishioners of Mother of Christ Church in the last 79 years. This parish has accomplished much for God’s people. As each parishioner decides where God is calling them, those graces will continue, as will the abiliachievemplish even more for the glory of God. May God bless us as we move forward in love.